The dynamics of the bouncing of a given droplet evolves when the amplitude of oscillation of the bath is increased as shown in Fig. I.1 (a-c). This evolution depends on the drop size and we established in our early investigations [P4 and T1] phase diagrams of the type shown in Fig. I.1 (d) that summarize the main regimes of the drop bouncing behaviour.
Fig. I.1.
(a-c) Spatio-temporal recordings showing the evolution of the bouncing when the amplitude of the vertical oscillation is increased.
(d) The corresponding phase diagram [P4] showing the main bouncing regimes of droplets as a function of their diameter D and the forcing acceleration. The fluid is a silicon oil of viscosity μ=50×10-3Pas and the forcing frequency is f0=50Hz. For weak values of γm/g, the drops do not lift from the surface and coalesce with the substrate (grey region). In region B, the drops bounce at the forcing frequency as shown in (a). For larger imposed acceleration (region DPD) their vertical motion becomes sub-harmonically modulated as shown in (b). In the region W, the period doubling is complete and the drop touches the interface only once in two periods as shown in (c). Correspondingly, it becomes propagative. For larger forcing, in the grey band to the right, the whole fluid surface is destabilized by the Faraday instability.
The diagram shown in Fig 1-1 [P4] corresponds to the various bouncing regimes obtained at a fixed forcing frequency on a given fluid. Similar behaviours can be obtained with other fluids for other frequencies and drops of different sizes.
The modelling of the various regimes of bouncing requires refined fluid dynamics analyses, [ref 2-5] taking into account the deformation of the drop, that of the interface and a model for the interstitial air flow. The result of Moláček and Bush show that their model is precise enough to account for all the transitions between the different bouncing regimes in phase diagrams that turn out to be more complex than that shown in Fig 1-1.
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